Ships Hull and Cargo Hold
Cargo Hold Cleaning
Hull Cleaning
Painting Services

We follow international safety & environmental regulations, ensuring your vessel remains compliant & ready for secure cargo operations.
Safety Compliance
Replace a conventional four-step cleaning process involving tons of chemicals and water with a one-step pure freshwater cleaning process. This cuts time spent cleaning up to 50%.
Time Efficiency
Our advanced robotic cleaners ensure thorough cleaning while minimizing environmental impact, adhering to the highest industry standards.

Hull Services
Our services can be performed with the ship either in dry dock (out of the water) or afloat. We utilize specialized equipment integrated with hydroblasting, sandblasting, or abrasive systems to ensure precision and effectiveness. The equipment, in combination with the robot, incorporates an advanced filtration and waste management system.
The paint removal process is performed efficiently, with all debris being collected and filtered to ensure environmentally safe disposal of residual materials. For hydroblasting, the system is equipped with a water pump calibrated to operate at a pressure of 2,800 bars.
After the paint is removed and the surface is thoroughly cleaned, we begin the painting process. We use robots to paint certain parts of the hull, while areas that require more flexibility or detailed access are handled by highly skilled professional painters.

Cargo Hold Services
The cargo hold cleaning service is vital to ensure the vessel meets the standards required for transporting grains, sugar, and other commodities. Achieving perfection in cleaning is our top priority.
We utilize a robot specifically designed and developed for this purpose, powered by a 500-bar water pump that efficiently and precisely directs water onto the metal surface. The water nozzles are positioned just 50 centimeters from the surface, delivering an optimal and effective water jet that ensures thorough and high-quality cleaning in minimal time. For vessels with 5 to 7 cargo holds, the cleaning process is completed within just three days. Freshwater consumption and the energy required for the operation are supplied by the vessel itself.